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Land Acknowledgment

First Steps Theatre acknowledges that we produce from the traditional lands of the Attawandaron (also known as Neutral) peoples who once settled this region alongside the Algonquin and Haudenosaunee peoples. The three Indigenous communities with long-standing ties to our producing area are the Chippewa of the Thames First Nation (Anishinaabe); Oneida Nation of the Thames (Haudenosaunee); and Munsee-Delaware Nation (Leni-Lunaape). 


We recognize the ancient and on-going relationship with the land that the Indigenous people have forged through knowledge and understanding. As we look toward our future, we also reflect on the centuries of mistreatment and hardship brought upon the Indigenous people of Canada.  


First Steps Theatre commits to continue to grow, learn, and reflect on this area of our history. As a company dedicated to storytelling, we acknowledge the sacred use of stories prominent in the Indigenous cultures of this land. As a company dedicated to telling stories written by Canadians, we acknowledge that the Indigenous people were not the first immigrants but the first peoples. 


We encourage you to pursue your own journey of understanding and growth. Below you will find resources to begin your earning.

Canadian Museums of History: Comprehensive Virtual Exhibit -

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